Home Food I Can Go 24 Hours Without Even Thinking About Food

I Can Go 24 Hours Without Even Thinking About Food

Source: familydoctor.org

So you’ve heard of the infamous “I can go 24 hours without even thinking about food” challenge. What is it? The “I can go 24 hours without food” challenge is a way of encouraging people to learn how to eat healthy and lose weight the healthy way.

I used to be a huge food addict and struggled with weight loss and weight gain. I tried many different diets and found that, for me, the most consistent strategy is to cut carbs and fats to a minimum while eating a healthy amount of protein.

It’s no secret that I eat as little as possible. I’ve always had an eating disorder, but I’ve learned that I don’t have to go hungry to lose weight. In fact, I prefer it this way. I know exactly what my caloric needs are. I know exactly how much I need to lose and what steps I have to take. It’s simple.

What It’s Really Like to Be a Diabetic: Food cravings are hard to resist, and it’s not always easy to satisfy them with a healthy meal. That’s why some people may cheat on their diets, or give in to cravings completely. Most people would never do that. But for people with diabetes, it’s a daily struggle.

I’ve always been a big fan of the clean eating movement. It’s made me realize that I had developed a lot of bad habits over the years, and now I’m finding that I can live without them. I don’t feel like I’m missing out on anything—everything tastes fine, I feel good, and I look pretty good.

Source: theconversation.com

Paul is a huge supporter of the LCHF diet. Almost every area of his life improved when he increased the amount of FAT in his low-carb diet… Exceptionally high energy levels, mental clarity, and, of course, weight reduction have all been reported. He has no desire to return to sweet ready-made foods, poor sleep, or the need to eat every 30 minutes. Here’s how he tells his story:

Hello, Andreas. I’m hoping this isn’t too lengthy…

Around 20 years ago, I began having trouble managing my weight and food consumption, and over time, I attempted “white knuckle” diets and calorie tracking to lose weight. I had some success with this, but the weight always came back since I didn’t realize how my body reacted to wheat, sugar, and carbs. I was unhappy because I didn’t understand how terrible the situation was.

However, about 10 years ago, I had a really good experience on the Atkins diet, but I was unaware of the science and was afraid of the fat consumption. Overcoming this is what has made a significant difference in my life. When a buddy informed me about the paleo diet a few years ago, it sounded reasonable, so I began studying the science on the internet.

I watched all of Andreas Eenfeldt’s videos, as well as Tim Noakes, Dr. Eric Westman, and others, and experimented here and there, but due to my lack of fat consumption, I was unable to maintain LCHF.

Then I watched the video “Butter Makes Your Pants Fall Off” by Butter Bob Briggs. This was just what I needed in order to see the path ahead. I had been overlooking a critical component in all of this, which had been glaring me down the whole time: FAT. So I decided to go for it; after all, if I was going to die of a heart attack from sugar, why not from fat…?

After a few weeks of exhaustion and headaches (a small price to pay for the benefits ahead), my body completely converted over to burning fat (keto adapted), and all I can say is that I shot off like a rocket. Everything has improved now, from incredible energy levels to skin irritation clearing up, sleep much improved, no more weariness, self-consciousness, or sadness, heartburn, acid reflux, and, most importantly, an ineffable sense of well-being. My mind is at ease, and I am consistently balanced and attentive.

Source: samoobrazovanje.rs

I began this for the weight reduction, but I’ve now discovered that almost every aspect of my life has improved, and that the weight loss is just a portion of this incredible change. The most significant improvement has been in mental health.

I’ve been doing this for 17 weeks now, and the idea of going back to processed sugary supermarket food, breads, and cakes is becoming less and less appealing. It just isn’t worth it.

And, without the sugar and insulin spikes that create the impulse/compulsion, I don’t need those foods in my life any longer. I’m eating coconut oil, butter, fish, vegetables, nuts, meat, bacon and eggs, strawberries and cream, and I’m enjoying it. I can go up to 24 hours without thinking about food, and I’m surprised that I’m not hungry every 30 minutes.

I run 1.5 miles every two days, cycle 5 miles every other day, and swing kettle bells in the morning on occasion, but I don’t make a huge deal out of exercise. It’s simply another method to make me happy. It’s a shame that so many people are addicted to those poisonous sugary carbohydrate meals and are completely ignorant about LCHF. I try to tell others about it, but I have to hold back because I get so enthusiastic and don’t want to come off as a crazed zealot.

If only they understood how great it feels to be incomplete ketosis. All I can say is that the sooner you start, the sooner you’ll look, feel, and think a hundred times better than you do today. To add a footnote to all of this, I’m a recovered alcoholic with over 20 years of sobriety, and it’s my opinion (which you are welcome to ignore) that my inability to manage carbs and sugar is in some way related to, or even the same as, my alcoholism.

And that is, once I start, I can’t stop, which is true for both carbohydrates and alcohol. Not to mention the psychological and emotional consequences of all of this. I believe this might be the subject of a separate post, so I won’t go into detail, but I wanted to mention it here since I believe it is significant.

Source: timesofindia.indiatimes.com

Thank you for taking the time to read this, and I hope you like the LCHF lifestyle.


Paul, congratulations! Increasing the amount of healthy fats in a low-carb diet is often a smart option.

Do you have a success story you’d like to share on this blog with others? It’s a fantastic approach to motivate others to make positive changes in their life, just as you have.

Send me an email at andreas@dietdoctor.com with your tale. Before and after pictures are useful for putting your narrative into context and making it more accessible to others. Please let me know whether you’d want your picture and name to be published or if you’d like to stay anonymous.

Life, it turns out, is a series of 24-hour periods. It is a process, not an event, and one that is never truly over—we just, for some reason, think it is. It’s not that we’re trying to be self-important.

It’s just that we have these expectations of ourselves, and we expect them to be constant. But the truth is, we can’t always be in control of our lives, and these periods are bound to come and go.. Read more about benefits of 24-hour fast once a week and let us know what you think.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it bad to go 24 hours without eating?

It is not recommended to go 24 hours without eating.

Why can I go a whole day without eating?

Your body needs food to function. Without it, you will die.

What is it called when you dont eat for days then eat one day all the time?

It is called binge eating.